Winter's Top 10 Quick Tricks For Staying Warm In Bed

The ability to keep oneself warm in bed is not just a matter of comfort; it also has a significant bearing on the quality of sleep and, therefore, on various aspects of our health that are directly related to how we sleep. Temperature, in addition to light, is a factor that may influence the circadian rhythm, which is similar to an internal clock that informs us when it is appropriate to be up and when it is time to go to bed. Scientists made this discovery. If you want a good night's rest, maintaining a proper sleeping position and keeping your bedroom at a comfortable temperature are both essential. But not everything is excellent enough to keep oneself warm in bed. Continue reading.

The Perfect Temperature For The Bedroom

Some people find it difficult to get asleep when it is really chilly in bed, just as they find it difficult to fall asleep when it is too hot. Invest in a heated mattress pad to avoid this unpleasant predicament and ensure that your bed and blankets are nice and warm by the time you are ready to turn in for the night.

Bedroom Temperature

Melatonin synthesis is stimulated when your body temperature reaches its highest point in the late afternoon and then begins to decrease as the evening progresses in order to get your body ready for sleep. Because being too cold may make it difficult for many individuals to fall or stay asleep – and because having a mattress that is not just warm but also comfortable and supportive is essential for getting a good night's rest - temperatures are often at their lowest in the early hours of the morning. The optimal temperature for a bedroom is between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius (60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit); if it is any lower than that, falling asleep may be difficult.

Build It Up

You may regulate your body temperature by layering blankets or throws, which will not affect the room's temperature. You might also store extra blankets close by, making it simple to add or remove layers of clothing during the night as required. Try replacing the summer linens you use with flannel sheets for extra comfort and warmth in your bedroom.

Relax In A Steamy Bath

Bath Steam

Getting into a warm bath (or shower) just before going to bed can assist in increasing your core body temperature, making it easier for you to relax and fall asleep when the time comes. While the hot water soothes and calms you, give yourself an extra special treat by adding some lavender-scented bath salts or body soap to your routine. You will have a greater sense of calm as a result of this.

You Must Cover Your Entire Body

Body Covering

It is a common misconception that the head and feet are the primary pathways via which heat is lost from the body. Unless they are the only areas of your body that are exposed, they should not be exposed. You don't have to wear a pompom on your sleeping hat as they do in the movies; instead, consider wearing bed socks, which are natural and may help keep you warm. Also, consider donning an eye mask for added cosiness; this will prevent light from penetrating the area surrounding your head.

Additional Warmth For Your Sleeping Area

Warm Bed

You do realise that, don't you? The size of the home and the kind of heating system also have a role, but given that the bedroom is the only room in which we spend time really sleeping, we often ignore the temperature there. If the room is typically more fantastic than the rest of the home, you should increase the temperature and keep the door closed before going to bed.

Test It Out With A Fireplace Plug

Fireplace Plug

A fireplace damper that is not appropriately secured might allow as much as 20% of the warm air in your house to escape. You can keep the pleasant air in your home by installing a draught stopper in the fireplaces. A wide range of sizes is available for fireplace plugs; thus, before purchasing, you should measure your fireplace and figure out what size you need.

Make Sure Your Bedroom Is Well Insulated

Insulated Room

Carry out a draught check to verify that windows and any gaps beneath the doors prevent the cold from entering the home. If you discover draughts, you may add thick curtains or weather stripping to prevent the air from leaking.

Keep Yourself Hydrated


Those who do not consume the suggested eight glasses of water per day may have more discomfort from the cold than those who consume an adequate amount of fluids. The body's resilience to the impacts of winter conditions may be enhanced by keeping a healthy amount of fluids in the body at all times. To ensure that you consume enough liquids throughout the day, ensure that you have a bottle of water available to sip on during the day, cider, hot herbal tea, and clear broth. 

Due to the drying effects of caffeine, you should limit your coffee consumption to a maximum of a couple of cups per day, even if you drink decaf.

Multiple Thin Blankets Are Preferable Than Heavy One

Thin Blankets

Because air is such a poor heat conductor, trapping it between many layers improves the insulation and helps maintain as much of your body's warmth as possible. They also have the benefit that more layers may be added or removed whenever it is necessary, making it a flexible solution. This is an advantage of these solutions.

Stop The Window Relax With Some Bubble Wrap

Ones that are not energy efficient or old may make winter unbearable, particularly windows facing north. Although now is not the best time to fix those draughty windows, you may temporarily stop the cold from coming in by covering a piece of bubble wrap with plastic wrap. After you have cut a sheet of bubble wrap to the size of the window glass or pieced together many smaller parts to cover the window, give the bubble wrap a little spray of water to help it adhere to the window. Your windows will be warmer thanks to the air-filled bubbles that provide insulation.

Bubble Wrap

Setting the temperature in your bedroom so that it is just perfect is an essential step in achieving a comfortable and restful sleep environment, which is a tricky balancing act in and of itself. After that, all that's left to do is kick back, relax, and have the most restful night's sleep you've ever had!